CASA Prepares for 87th Legislative Session
With the 87th Legislative Session fast approaching, Texas CASA’s Public Policy team is hosting monthly training webinars in lieu of the Legislative Advocacy Team (LAT) Retreats Series to prepare our Legislative Advocacy Teams.
The first webinar will be Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, from 12-1 p.m. During this webinar, the team will be going over how they developed the list of Legislative Priorities for the 87th Session and how the CASA network can best position themselves to advocate on these issues. The team will also discuss and answer any questions regarding Texas CASA’s funding request for the 2022-2023 biennium.
Brush Country CASA’s Legislative Advocacy Team is open to CASA advocates and Board Members. If you are interested in joining the LAT team or registering for the upcoming webinars please contact Rachel Lahmon at
What Is a Legislative Advocacy Team?
Legislative Advocacy Teams (LATs) work with Texas CASA and their local CASA programs to build relationships with legislators, develop policy agendas to improve the child welfare system in partnership with Texas CASA, and motivate and empower others in their program to advocate for those improvements. LATs are led by volunteer advocates and/or board members, and work with staff liaisons in each CASA program.
As a part of a LAT, CASA volunteers are able to advocate for children on a larger scale and work toward solutions to systemic problems they encounter in their role. This gives them the chance to be a voice of change not only for the children they serve, but for every child in the child protection system! |