Celanese Bishop Facility planted several potted plants in honor of Earth Day. They decided to donate the plants to several places including local nursing homes and Brush Country CASA. We are so grateful for Celanese and their continued support and belief in our mission.
Community Donates Games to Children in Foster Care
Children who are removed from their family of origin and placed in foster care may have feelings of being isolated and detached. These feelings can sometimes be heighted when they are experiencing CWOP or Child Without Placement. Children in CWOP are required to stay in a hotel supervised by a social worker 24/7 and often… Read more »
CASA Volunteer Appreciation 2021
CASA volunteers selflessly volunteer their time to support children and families involved in the child welfare system. Brush Country CASA is so very grateful to have such a great group of advocates and strive to appreciate them everyday. During Volunteer Appreciation Week in April Brush Country CASA went the extra mile by trying to make… Read more »
CASA Releases Video Series in Honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month is our biggest opportunity to step up and educate our friends, families and neighbors about child abuse and neglect, and how we individually and collectively can help prevent it. But given the continued situation with COVID-19 and physical distancing, we are all having to find new, creative ways to safely do… Read more »
Sponsor a Ribbon Fundraiser
In 2020 there were 707 alleged victims of abuse and neglect in our service area of Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy and Kleberg Counties. In honor of Child Abuse Awareness Month which begins April 1st, CASA is hosting our first ever Sponsor a Ribbon Fundraiser. Join us in the fight against child abuse by sponsoring… Read more »
CASA Welcomes New Volunteers
Brush Country CASA would like to welcome our newest CASA advocates, Paige Saenz, Zariah Dodds and Mari Reyes who were sworn in on December 10, 2020 by Judge Jaime E. Carrillo via Zoom. We are so excited to have them joining our dynamic group of advocates. Want to find out more about becoming a CASA… Read more »
Brush Country CASA Seeks Advocates
Speak Up for Kids in Foster Care from Your Own Home Brush Country CASA is calling for community members to step up and advocate for children and families involved in the child welfare system in our local area. “Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing, many of us have been feeling increased stress, anxiety and… Read more »
Canned Food Donation
A special thank you to the Theta Kappa chapter of Kappa Sigma for hosting a canned food drive for Brush Country CASA this holiday season. We appreciate you so very much! For information on how you can host a drive for CASA please reach out to our staff at 361.595.7233.
Share Your Christmas With a Child or Youth in Foster Care
Brush Country CASA shouts a special Thank You to our wonderful community sponsors who have been so generous to be part of The Giving Tree this year. Share your Christmas with a child or youth in foster care by sponsoring their wish-list. Below, please find the flyers for both Kleberg and Jim Wells County. Select… Read more »
Calvary Trail Rider’s Association Toy Drive
The Calvary Trail Riders Association will be hosting their Trial Ride which benefits Brush Country CASA. The money raised during their trail ride is used to purchase new unwrapped toys for children or youth in foster care. For more information on how to join in on the fun, please review the flyer below.